It isn't mouth-open-oh-my-God-what-the-shit shock. It is more like the monkey-scratching-his head-wondering-why-his-finger-stinks shock. It is puzzling shock... and maybe it isn't shock at all. Maybe I'm just that far behind in knowing about people's lives.
I talked to an old friend today. She was probably my closest friend after my "best" best friend got married and quit school. Yes, teenage girls do that kind of thing. No, we don't forget it, either. I used to hang out with this girl a lot. I slept on the floor in her Mom's great room many times. I stayed at her house the night we graduated high school. I was there for her when she came home from the Air Force. I ran out of my bedroom in my undies, screaming like a sorority sister when I knew she was there. We were tight. We drank Fuzzy Navels together and talked about boys in uniform. We hooked each other up with guys we thought were cute. Liek, OMG she LOVED the boys... Loved them. We even worked at the same place after high school, until she went into the Air Force.
Things fell out when we were both having difficulties in relationships and we drifted apart, but never with harsh words. Things and lives being what they are, we let it go, grew up, and made families and lives apart from each other. She was always in the back of my mind, a fact to which Aerron can attest. We even nick-named her "Dana of the Blue Tongue" in reference to a picture I have of her. Today, after fourteen years, I talked to her. Her life has been plagued with failures, fights, death, and financial difficulty. She is happy, nonetheless. I am happy that she can smile through it all. That is my Dana.
The shock hit when she told me she was dating a woman. No, I'm not like that at all. I don't care who sleeps with whom. It is everyone's right to live happily with whomever they choose. The shock happened because this is the girl that loved to chug cock as often as possible. I am happy that she has found someone to be herself with.
Go, Dana. Be the happy girl I remember and I'll shake it off... eventually.